CRISPR / CAS: the future of gene editing
CRISPR/Cas, Genomic editing tool, Gene therapy, Antiviral treatmentAbstract
Since the project of the human genome and the subsequent publication of the sequence of more than 20,000 genes that comprise it, the study of the genomes of many organisms and their editing have been a trend since then, being proposed and discovered new tools that allow the editing of DNA. CRISPR/Cas system whose natural function is a defense of bacteria against viral infections, ended up being a breakthrough in the field of genomic sciences, allowing genomic editing at a level of precision greater than the techniques that preceded it. The applications of this system that has been emphasized in recent years, are gene therapy and the Development of alternative antiviral treatments. Despite the advances of CRISPR/Cas, it is still required to increase its specificity to eliminate the appearance of mutations outside the target gene.
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