


civil society, altruism, donations, GDP


The donation linked to altruism is a conceptual category associated mainly with disciplines such as sociology and psychology, this concept related to emotions such as: helping others, sympathy, empathy, and pro-sociality, from the economic-financial discipline, has its link with the transfer of income from one economic agent to another, where the decrease in the income of the donor agent is offset by an increase in satisfaction as a result of the donation. In the empirical field, from the perspective of the company, it is noted that such altruistic behaviors would be reflected in the monetary transfers that they make to authorized donor organizations, registered by the Mexican government accounting. Based on public information from the Government of Mexico, the objective is to relate the income specialization index to the altruism specialization index.


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How to Cite

Borbón Morales, C. G., Pérez Villicaña, S. P., Arvizu Armenta, M., & Vargas Serrano, F. (2021). ECONOMY AND ALTRUISM: BUSINESS DONATIONS AND GDP IN MEXICO 2010-2018. EPISTEMUS, 14(29), 7–14.
