Decomposition of Cyanide using Ozone and Iron Oxides
descomposition, cyanide, advanced oxidation processes, iron oxidesAbstract
Cyanidation has been for years the most used process for gold extraction; however, the resulting solutions affect the environment as they are toxic and complex. Some of the conventional processes for the elimination of cyanide is oxidation, however, this can be slow. Due to the above, this work focuses on the elimination of cyanide with advanced catalytic oxidation processes such as ozone and iron oxides. The experimental tests were developed under controlled conditions at the laboratory level, using iron oxides as catalysts. The results showed that by adding 1 g / L of iron oxides, the initial concentration of cyanide (250 ppm) was reduced to 11.9 ppm in an average of 11 minutes, on the other hand, in the tests that did not use said oxides at this time there were 150 ppm of cyanide in the solution.
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