Incorporation of Powdered Glass and Calcined Fan Shells into Concrete
Concrete, powdered glass, fluorescenceAbstract
The research seeks to determine the influence of the incorporation of pulverized glass and calcined fan shells on the pressure resistance of concrete f'c=210 kg/cm2. The methodology used in the research is applied, the design is experimental, with a quantitative approach and the samples are made up of an amount of 18 witnesses. The obtained results indicate that in the 7 days it is 194.5kg/cm2 in the standard concrete and 196.5kg/cm2 in the sample concrete; by day 14 it was 237.8kg/cm2 in the standard concrete and 238.9kg/cm2 in the sample concrete, additionally by 28 days we could observe that the compressive strength in the standard concrete was 295.4kg/cm2 less than the concrete shows that it was 306.1kg/cm2. It is important to highlight that by using powdered glass and calcined fan shells the quality of the design concrete f¨c=210 kg/cm2 is improved.
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