ProSist: Informatics’ system support to the planifcation, monitoring and control of R&D&I projects
R&D&I projects, web application, planning, monitoring, controlAbstract
The projects constitute the basic cell for the organization, execution, financing and control of the activities of scientific research, technological development and innovation. For this reason, an adequate management of the information of the R&D&I projects of the University of Holguin is required, which directly favors the planning, monitoring and control that is carried out by the project advisors of the Directorate Science and Technology. To meet this need during the 2016-2017 academic year, a group of researchers took on the task of computerizing this process. In this research the ProSist web application, developed in the PHP programming language and the Symfony web development framework is contributed. The combination of these trends and technologies allowed to obtain a computer system that satisfies the needs that originated and of great utility for the information management of projects.
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