Technological Applications of Nanoparticles in Medicine and Industry




Nanoparticles, Nanotechnological Advances, Nanomaterials


Technological advances in materials science have impacted different areas of knowledge such as medicine, food production, cosmetics, electronic devices, among others, to take advantage of the properties of nanoparticles and solve current problems for the benefit of society. Therefore, this review presents a general and updated description of the applications of nanoparticles in different areas of knowledge. The importance of current nanotechnological advances to combat different pathogenic bacteria, the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and treatments of cancer diseases with nanoparticles is presented. On the other hand, the importance of nanoparticles in the textile, automotive, and agribusiness industries is discussed as an alternative to obtaining intelligent cloth, improvement of car aesthetics, the durability of parts, and reduction of CO2 pollutants, as well as in the production of safe, high quality and sustainable food.


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How to Cite

Britto Hurtado, R., Cortez-Valadez, M., & Flores- Acosta, M. (2022). Technological Applications of Nanoparticles in Medicine and Industry. EPISTEMUS, 16(33), 46–54.



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