Environmental Awareness in Students at the University of Sonora
Environmental attitudes, environmental awareness, sustainability, University of Sonora, SDGAbstract
The objective of this research is to know the behavior, attitudes, and environmental values of a group of 68 students from the Departments of Biology, Chemical-Biological Sciences and Engineering of the University of Sonora. This is a mixed cross-sectional study where an instrument of 18 items was applied to 18 Engineering students, 23 Biology students and 27 Chemical- Biological Sciences students. A comparative descriptive and correlational analysis of the data obtained was carried out.
The results indicate that the students are open and willing to protect the environment and contribute to solve environmental problems. This study allowed generating opportunities that will favor comprehensive collaboration between students, professors and university authorities, which have an impact on the protection of the environment and strengthen environmental awareness to contribute to the goal 4, of SDG, Quality Education, an example of these actions is design a MOOC-type course that integrates professional skills related to...
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